
Sunday 21 July 2013


Highway 2 north from Calgary to Edmonton is a busy busy transportation corridor within Alberta and for me this divided black top section has been one of the most boring times on the ride.

The only good thing about riding this section of road is that my brother Jim lives at the end of it. The hard part of visiting is seeing him in ill health. He has been holding his own, it appears, since the last time we saw each other and that is a good thing.

Gayle had the opportunity to "shop" at the warehouse that Jim's wife Mel manages. No retail prices this day, but more goods to ship home. Because it was the end of the work week for Mel we ordered out for supper  and had more time to catch up with each other. I'm amazed at how much I look like my older brother. Perhaps it is because we see each other so seldom that I don't notice the similarities.

Gayle took the opportunity to have a pedicure while we were in the big city and it was time to take the K1600GTL in for it's 11,000km warranty check. I had tried to get it in to Blackfoot BMW in Calgary, but they said they were to busy to consider a "traveller" on a few days notice. I was told they incurred some flood damage and had a back log of work. Understandable I guess.

The bike spent much of the day in Argyll Motorsports getting a check over, new 100% synthetic oil, filter and computer systems checks. It passed with flying colours but needed new tires. The rear was down to the cords. (You know me trying to get the most out of each dollar) A little early for new skins by my reckoning, but I must watch my pressures a little closer on this set to try and get better longer wear. I had them install the same tires originally supplied by BMW....Metzler Roadtec Z8 Interact Sport Touring. I have been a big fan of Metzler since purchasing my R1200GS motorcycle in 2009. (Total on two machines,...they have carried me for 80,000km so far.)

Gayle - a million thanks to Jim for taking me to two of Edmonton's best quilt stores -- yes more quilt stores! Mel, thanks for the shopping spree. And thank you both for the warm hospitality.

We stopped in Sherwood Park, and drove by 63 Garland Crescent, where we once lived. It was ugliest house on the street, and it had Christmas lights on it! No, we didn't take a picture.

Mel and Jim Day in the Hazeldean area of Edmonton.

Time to pack up once again and move on. Thanks Mel and Jim. Be well and take care of each other till next time.


  1. Very kind of you to share so much of your family visits... it is so nice to see family connections enhancing your trip to such a wonderful degree. Very warming pictures.... family resemblances, definitely noted with Roy's older bro.... nice to have the remarks from Gayle included.

    Janet feels the mailman will be busy with quilt parcel deliveries!! :-)

    It sounds as if you are both really happy.... a fact verified by the pictures.... great to see.
    All 3 of us enjoy these readings tremendously.


  2. Where to next, hoping to see you in HH BC, let me know.
    Bonnie Pringle

    1. Plans are always a little in the air. Will let you know when they firm up about heading to the Peace.

  3. We're heading to Grande Prairie and Grande Cache next week and for the long weekend.

    Bonnie Pringle
